
Map of licences


Prospect: Kertang

Licence: Block 2A

Partners: Longboat (operator 52.5%), Petronas, Petros

Under the Malaysian Bid Round 2022, Longboat has been awarded a Production Sharing Contract (“PSC”) for Block 2A offshore Sarawak with material gas resource potential.

Block 2A is located north-west of the prolific Central Luconia hydrocarbon province, outboard of recent gas discoveries. It covers approx. 12,000km² and is located in water depths of between 100- 1,400 metres. The Bintulu LNG plant, one of the world’s largest LNG facilities, is located onshore on the coast of Sarawak.

A number of large prospects across multiple plays have been identified and the main prospect is a large anticlinal structure called Kertang. The closure is over 100km² at multiple levels with significant volume potential representing multiple trillions of cubic feet of gas. Seismic indicators for the presence of gas can be observed in the area and over the crest of the prospect. These indicators, together with geochemical analysis of sea floor samples over the main prospect provide strong evidence of the area being gas-prone.