Environmental stewardship

We are committed to delivering energy, responsibly.

Net Zero Target
We support the goals of the Paris Agreement and the net zero emissions by 2050 targets set by the UK Government and the European Commission. We recognise the combined challenge of meeting increasing energy needs driven by a growing global population and the urgent need to reduce global carbon emissions. As such, we aim to take an active role in reducing the carbon footprint from our activities as we develop as a company and to support the energy transition through playing an active role at a company and industry level to promote best practice in environmental stewardship.

We also support the UN Sustainable Development Energy Goal and plan to develop our business so that we have a sustainable strategy as an oil company providing safe and responsible energy at a low cost with low emissions.

Accordingly, we are committed to:

  • supporting the energy transition through playing an active role to promote best practice in environmental stewardship;
  • pursuing a strategy of delivering low Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions per barrel, to minimise carbon intensity of operations (incl. no routine flaring) and transparent annual disclosure of GHG emissions;
  • prioritising renewable energy sources in the powering of operated and non-operated platforms where possible;
  • using an internal carbon price for investment decisions; and
  • being net zero by 2050 with an earlier target date to be set dependent on the profile of the assets acquired

Accordingly, we are committed to:

  • maintaining the management team’s core principles of working with integrity, equality and transparency;
  • upholding high standards of corporate governance guaranteeing robust disclosure, transparency and engagement with all stakeholders;
  • building an organisation based on the principles of diversity and inclusion, creating equal opportunities for all; and
  • we have appointed leading industry advisers to guide us on key governance criteria, including remuneration, ABC and sustainability (incl. ESG performance)
Social Contribution

We will identify impactful community programmes to be funded as part of the longer-term corporate social investment strategy

    Corporate Responsibility

    Anti-Bribery and corruption

    The Company has a dedicated Anti Bribery and Corruption (‘ABC’) Policy in place which demands the highest standard of behaviour and conduct of its Directors, officers and employees, together with all agents, co-ventures, contractors, suppliers and other third parties acting or purporting to act on its behalf or on behalf of any member of the Company. The ABC Policy sets out the main policies, procedures and mechanisms adopted by the Company following appropriate risk assessment that are intended to prevent and/or effectively combat instances of bribery or corruption in the course of the Company’s business and ensure compliance with applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws in those countries where the Company conducts business.

    Anti-facilitation of tax evasion

    The Company’s Anti-facilitation of tax evasion Policy is to conduct business in an honest way, and to seek to prevent, where practicable, the use of corrupt practices including tax evasion.

    Business Principles and Ethics

    The Company is committed to maintaining high standards of corporate governance to ensure that it is managed with openness, honesty and transparency. The Company’s Business Principles and Ethics Policy is key to the way we work both internally and externally.

    Corporate Governance Code

    The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance commensurate with the size of the Company and the interests of all shareholders. As a company quoted on AIM, the Company has adopted the Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA) QCA – Corporate Governance Guidelines (2023) as amended from time to time, and the report on its compliance with the ten associated principles, is included in the annual report and accounts..

    The QCA Code requires specific disclosure on the Company’s web site in relation to five of the ten principles as below:

    Principle 3. Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations

    The Company seeks to maintain a continuing dialogue with its shareholders in order to communicate the Company’s strategy and results and to understand the needs and expectations of its shareholders.  In addition to shareholder General Meetings, the Company arranges on line presentations to follow the release of the Company’s financial results and the announcement of any significant transaction. Shareholders are encouraged to provide questions before and during the presentation, after which the CEO and other presenters endeavour to answer. The Company has also begun to engage shareholders via various social media platforms such as X and LinkedIn and when it reaches a greater size, will appoint an IR Manager as the point of contact for shareholders.

    Principle 4. Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long-term success

    The Company is aware of its corporate responsibilities to its stakeholders including personnel, shareholders, joint venture  partners, regulatory and licensing authorities, the environment and wider society.  Given the scale and focus of the Company’s operations, the identification and management of the key resources and relationships upon which it relies, is straightforward and is the collective responsibility of the executive Directors.

    Principle 7. Maintain appropriate governance structures and ensure that individually and collectively the directors have the necessary up-to-date experience, skills and capabilities

    The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman and Chief Executive, which are constantly evolving, can be summarised as follows:

    The Chairman is responsible for leadership of the Board of Directors and In particular, he will: ensure effective operation of the Board and its committees in conformity with the highest standards of corporate governance; ensure effective communication with shareholders, host governments and other relevant constituencies and that the views of these groups are understood by the Board; set the agenda, style and tone of Board discussions to promote constructive debate and effective decision-making; ensure that all Board committees are properly established, composed and operated; support the Chief Executive in the development of strategy and, more broadly, to support and advise the Chief Executive.

    The Chief Executive is responsible for leadership of the business and managing it within the authorities delegated by the Board. In particular, he will: develop strategy proposals for recommendation to the Board and ensure that agreed strategies are reflected in the business; develop annual plans, consistent with agreed strategies, for presentation to the Board for support; plan human resourcing to ensure that the Company has the capabilities and resources required to achieve its plans; develop an organisational structure and establish processes and systems to ensure the efficient organisation of resources; be responsible to the board for the performance of the business consistent with agreed plans, strategies and policies; lead the executive team, including the development of performance contracts and appraisals; ensure that financial results, business strategies and, where appropriate, targets and milestones are communicated to the investment community; develop and promote effective communication with shareholders and other relevant constituencies and ensure that business performance is consistent with the its business principles.

    The Board is supported by four Board committees, Audit, Remuneration, Nomination and Disclosure Committees with delegated authority to review certain specific matters in detail and then to make recommendations to the Board. The final decisions are made by the Board. Formal terms of reference have been agreed for each of the Board committees, which are available on the Company’s website

    1. Evaluate board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement

    The Board continuously evaluates the balance of skills, experience, knowledge, and independence of the Directors. The Board assesses and scrutinises its performance through an annual effectiveness review.  Each year the Nomination Committee carries out an evaluation process of the Board and its Committees,  details of which are included in the Nomination Committee Report within the Company’s annual report and accounts.

    The annual evaluation is supported by three processes, namely: a questionnaire focusing on Board and Committee composition and processes together with behaviour and activities; a skills matrix to identify potential gaps in Board and Committee skills, experience and knowledge; and a review of individual director characteristics against a checklist of key qualities.  The areas identified for focus and development are also published in the annual Nomination Committee Report.

    Given the size of the Company and its board, the Company does not see any benefit for an externally facilitated board review.  Also, given the small number of employees, succession planning is not practicable.

    1. Communicate how the company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders

    General Meeting results:  The results of voting on resolutions put to general meetings are published without delay. At the 2024 AGM votes in excess of 20% were cast against the resolutions related to the Founders Incentive Plan and although the resolution was passed no further action was required as the plan fell away in November 2024.

    The website of the Company will be regularly updated to include all relevant reports and information required under AIM Rule 26.

    Health, Safety & Environment
    We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all who work with us and protecting the environment in which we work. We uphold excellent health and safety standards in order to reduce accidents and ill health within the workplace and to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment. We also insist that all contractors maintain the same high standards.

    As stated in the our HSEQ Policy, the Company is committed to respecting and preserving the natural environment. Our policy is to minimise the undesirable effects on the environment resulting from our operations and work to prevent pollution and reduce emissions. The Company will assess and manage its performance to continually improve its environmental performance.

    Following the acquisition of oil and gas assets, the Company will report the emissions of GHGs that have been generated as a result of its operated exploration and production activities as part of its annual HSE monitoring programme. GHG emissions are reported annually to the Norwegian Environment Agency and to BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy) in the UK.K.


    Seascape Energy is an equal opportunities employer and will recruit, employ and develop employees in line with best practice and based on the qualifications, experience and skills required for the work. The Company aims to create an inclusive culture where employees of any background can be themselves and fulfil their potential. Our Diversity Policy is to ensure there is no discrimination in employment, including in relation to gender, race, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or religious belief. We support the principles of, and promote respect for, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Human Rights

    The Company is fully committed to meeting its responsibilities towards its staff, contractors and third parties who may be impacted by its activities, and to adhere to all applicable national and local legislation as well as the principles for business and human rights embodied in international initiatives, such as the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Adhering to and implementing this Human Rights Policy is a requirement of anyone who works for or on behalf of Longboat.

    Modern Slavery Statement

    The Company is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains, consistent with our disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We expect the same high standards from all of our contractors, suppliers and other business partners. As part of our contracting processes, we expect our suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

    Role of the Board and its composition

    The Board is responsible for delivering the long-term success of the Company and provides leadership as it sets the Company’s strategic objectives, ensuring that they are properly pursued and that major business risks are monitored and managed.

    Specifically, the Board’s responsibilities include reviewing trading performance, setting and monitoring strategy, examining acquisition and divestment possibilities, approving major capital expenditure projects and corporate overhead costs, significant financing matters and reporting to shareholders.

    There are specific set of matters reserved for the Board, which are reviewed regularly to ensure that it is fit for purpose to deal with future growth in line with its aspirations.

    The Board is currently comprised of the Executive Chairman, Chief Executive Officer,  one non-executive director and one independent non-executive director.

    Whistle Blowing

    We operate a Whistle-Blowing Policy which encourages all employees and contractors to report any situation where they have reasonable belief that there has been a breach, or potential breach, in the Company’s policies or standards.